Call for Abstract & Announcement:Mental and Neural Representation for the Environment
Join us for the NTU-Kyoto University Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium: Mental and Neural Representation for the Environment at the National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan.
The 2015 NTU-Kyoto University Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium will feature an important scientific program of keynote lectures, oral and poster sessions. This symposium brings together researchers from diverse backgrounds, all with a focus on the relationships between the mental and neural representations for the environment.
Four international keynote speakers will lead the scientific program:
Professor Shintaro Funahashi (船橋新太郎), Kyoto University (Research topics: Prefrontal cortex; Executive functions, Working memory)
Professor Hiroshi Ashida (蘆田宏), Kyoto University (Research topics: Perception; Neuroscience; Psychophysics)
Professor Jun Saiki (齋木潤), Kyoto University (Research topics: Visual attention; Working memory; Memory)
Professor Takashi Tsukiura (月浦崇), Kyoto University (Research topics: Episodic memory; Affective processes; Aging)
Call for abstracts now open!!!
The Committee now welcomes submissions for abstracts for poster presentation!!!
Closed(in English, 250 words or less)
Topics include: (include but not limited to these key words)
Date: 9AM – 6PM, 6th of September, 2015 (Sunday).
Location: N100, North hall, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University. No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan
Funding source:
This symposium is supported by the grant from the National Taiwan University Cutting-Edge Steering Research Project (Research title: Neural and Mental Representation for the Environment - Perception and Memory of Statistical Regularities). A graduate-level course, Functions of Neural System, was attached by the project and the symposium.
Organizing committee members:
Su-Ling Yeh, Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
Keng-Chen Liang, Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
Jyh-Horng Chen, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Chien-Chung Chen, Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
Chun-I Yeh, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
Tsung-Ren Huang, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
Bo-Cheng Kuo, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
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