台大身心文影像中心將於2024年11月29日(五),12月5日(四)及12月日6日(五)14:00-17:00,舉辦【MEG eyelink1000 plus英文教育訓練】歡迎各領域的研究者及有興趣瞭解腦磁圖儀之各界人士報名參加。

上課時間:共三日, 11/29,12/5,12/6 14:00-17:00

• 線上上課,課程將全程錄影
• 課程內容:加強eyelink1000 plus與MEG設備結合的說明,三日課程大綱如下,授課內容依據現場情況調整
• 報名人數:無上限,上課連結網址和密碼於課程前通知
• 報名成功者,將於上課日前寄發郵件通知

1) A Powerpoint presentation covering the technical aspects of the eye tracker, participant setup in the MEG, use of the tracker software and data file.
2) Help with separating the MEG vs MRI equipment.
3) Help with installing the hardware in the MEG and testing it.
4) Hands-on practice with the eye tracker in the MEG.
5) Experiment-Creation software. This can be an introduction to our own software for generating experiments (Experiment Builder) or training on integrating eye tracking with other software such as Psychtoolbox, Python, Presentation, E-Prime etc.
6) Synchronisation with MEG, eye movement data visualisation and analysis.




news/20241121.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/21 15:17 by ntuicibmcr
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